Application letter shall be filed at the DepEd CAR, SDO Benguet through the Records Section
on or before the deadline
including the following documents in two (2) sets
(one photocopy shall be submitted to Records section and one original copy shall be carried by the applicant during the scheduled interview process):
- Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS), CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017;
- Photocopy of Performance Ratings for the last two (2) rating periods, complete cycle;
- Updated and duly signed Service Record;
- Certificates of Awards, Innovations, Research, Publications, Resource Speakership;
- Certificates of Trainings, Seminars attended within 10 years-validity, reckoned from date of publication or posting of vacancy;
- Photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility and unexpired PRC license;
- Photocopy of Official Transcript of Records (OTR); and
- Photocopy of other Pertinent Documents.