Schools Division of Benguet
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“The Higher One goes, the Lower He Should be”

CY 2017 SDS Message
Date Posted: 2022-03-28 05:29:20
Attachment: CY-2017-SDS-Message.pdf

Some things are true whether one believes it or not!

Believe it or not, “humility”, the fundamental theme of Christmas and New Year, is a highly significant issue of the decade!

Corollary to this premise, can it be refuted that in this modern era, humility is extremely scarce in the mental models of the vast majority of warm bodies on earth, among nations, communities and within organizations?

Any member of the Homo Sapiens with normal analytical acumen will certainly answer, “yes such asseveration cannot be confuted!”

Humility can literally be paraphrased this way: the higher one goes, the lower he should be.

There are countless literally upsides of this fastidious dictum.  Letting this penetrate the innermost being will help one to steadfastly adhere to service quality standards.  It will preclude him from developing superiority complex and tyranny when he is promoted, becomes richer, or succeeded unprecedentedly.

It will immediately halt a subordinate in believing that he is far better than his superior although it maybe true.  Humility will always be a compass for someone to traverse the path of unending victory.   It will provide an eternal light for a leader to deal with his people with respect regardless of who they are, regardless of their weakness and the like without of course compromising general welfare.  There are multifarious advantages of humility and this newspaper will not suffice to contain them all.

The opposite of humility is pride.  One does not need to think deeply to write the downsides of extremely dangerous pride.  When Eve heard the serpent utterance that she will become like God if she will eat the forbidden fruit she ate it and influenced her husband (who was highly captivated by the way the voluptuous woman was eating) to just follow like “under de saya” lover.  The simple act emanating from pride is the root cause of all troubles in the land of the living and the dead.  Pride is the major and captain of conflicts.  A simple miscommunication can metamorphose into intricate conflict that cannot be solved through Alternative Resolution Dispute, Grievance Procedure, Administrative Procedure or any Procedure.

Now. Imagine if pride will perpetually hover over the mental paradigm of organizational members.  Imagine if “the higher you go, the higher you should be” will be the first and foremost watchword in an agency.  What a hideous working environment it will be.

The only way to evade the danger zone of volatile relationship in any organization is to understand the laws and principles embedded in humility which peremptorily call for application.

Every creature in a dynamic organization must constantly remember that God exalts the humble!  This not a demonstrably false nor predatory statement but a truth distilled since the dawn of time.  Ergo, this year be the beginning of change and wind of change from generation to generation!

This is asserted without the last iota of doubt in the mind of this writer.