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2019 Closing & Graduation Message: “UNITY IN DIVERSITY: QUALITY EDUCATION FOR ALL”

SY 2018-2019
Date Posted: 2022-03-28 05:30:41
Attachment: SDS-Graduation-Message-SY-2018-2019.pdf

A blessed day to everyone and Congratulations.

One of the key elements that will lead us to a happy and contented life is when we realize our Godly desires in our lives.  Dreaming and desiring push everyone to act.  Whatever it takes, we align them with God’s purposes.  Therefore, in our actions, we undo the fool desires and put effort and commitment on what is aligned with Him.  As the teachings from Proverbs 13:19 say: “It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them”.

Through Quality Education for all, no matter how different we are, diverse as it is – that reflects our souls and unite us for good like living together in peace and harmony.  Diversity comes in many forms: gender, age, family background, tribe, culture, religion, beliefs, socio-economic background, genetics and many more.  These differences bring us together as we learn more skills to communicate and interact with others.  In addition, it shall widen our views as we continue with our studies in school and everywhere, like our exposures to communities, proper use of technology and other self-learning activities for our growth. Thus, the school is a place for us to learn how to learn.

Graduates, completers and students in the other grade levels, thank you for doing your part.  Thank you for patiently thriving the path towards the achievement of your goals.  This is the time to thank all those who helped you.  These are the people who contributed for what you have attained by now.    I believe this is your dream and desire- to finish your studies.  This is a step towards attaining your bigger dreams and desires:  A self-employed, getting a job or even create jobs for others, continue your studies in schools or do self-learning.  Most importantly, while attaining these, we still have that ultimate goal, to be truly successful-serving God by caring and loving one another.  Finally, we do thank God for His forever guidance, goodness, kindness and mercy.  We believe in Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart”.

May our Dear Lord give you wisdom, direction and protection for all the years to come.  Thank you